Motto: Mini-Project Based Learning

Students co-operated well in:
Using Spoken Tutorials, Video lecture from IIT-B, Regular home-work as a supplementary learning tool.
Lab-ia-2 as project based learning activity.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sample Programs on if-else forms

Dear All,

PF below 10 problem statements to check your understanding on if-else concept.
Please share with your class-mates.

“if – else” forms:

1) if (expression)


2) if (expression)
     Block of statements;


3) if (expression)
     Block of statements;
    Block of statements;


4) if (expression)
      Block of statements;
   else if(expression)
     Block of statements;
    Block of statements;

“if – else” problem definitions:

1) Write a C program to find the larger of two numbers.

2) Write a C program to find the largest of three numbers.

3) Write a C program to check whether a number is even or odd.

4) Write a C program to find the electricity bill given the units consumed under the following conditions:
   Units                            Charge
0 – 100  Rs. 0.85 per unit.
101 – 200  Rs. 0.95 per unit over and above 100 units
> 200  Rs. 1.05 per unit over and above 200 units.

                     In addition to the above charge, the minimum charge of Rs. 100/-
                     is incurred on every bill.

5) Write a C program to print the grade of the student given the marks in five subjects.
Percentage Grade
 < 35 F
36-50 E
51-59 D
60-69 C
70-79 B
80-89 A
>= 90 S
Note: The percentage is to be rounded off to the next nearest integer.

6) Write a C Program to simulate a simple calculator to perform
      basic arithmetic operations.

7) Write a C Program to check whether a 3-digit number is Armstrong Number or not. Note: An Armstrong Number is one where in cubes of individual digits is equal to the given number.

8) Write a C Program to check whether three numbers entered are Pythagorean Triplets or not.

9) Write a program to read two integer values m and n and to decide and print whether m is multiple of n.

10) Write a program to read three values using scanf statement and print the following results:
     (a)Sum of the values
     (b) Average of the three values
  (c) Largest of the three
(d) Smallest of the three.

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